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Monday, 25 November 2013


You used to be so real
You used to be so real I could touch you
You used to be so real I could reach out my arms and hug you
Now my feet hurt from chasing after you
The shoes of time are pinching my feet for running after you for so long
My head is exploding from thinking about you
Exploding from all the thinking I do to recapture our time together
You used to be so real
So real you were the blanket that kept me warm nights
Now you are merely an apparition
And I can’t figure out if you were a hallucination
You surely grew for yourself wings and faded away
Someone please tell my dream to wait up
To wait up and let me catch up
I don’t wanna real up

I want my dream back

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Interviewer: Audrey, do you like being a woman?
Me: Yeah, I do. Very much.
Interviewer: why?
Me (incredulous): Why! Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because the love of my life is a guy and I don’t have intentions of being gay!
Both of us laughing.
Interviewer: But seriously, why?
Me: I think being a woman is wonderful. One, I didn’t choose to be born one. I kind of think about it like falling in love. You don’t really have a choice on whom you fall in love with, same with being male or female. There are just two options; either grumble away or accept it and enjoy it. It’s simple really. Two, I get to wear pretty dresses.
Interviewer: Since you bring it up, what do you think about love?
Me: I don’t think love is blind. In fact, it probably is the most vigilant of all things. It has just perfected the art of overlooking a lot of stuff.
Interviewer: where did you get that? Is it from a book?
Me (laughing): Why? Does it sound too ‘fortune cookie-ish’?
Interviewer: It sounds like you’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it.
Me: That is all I ever do.
Interviewer: Okay, moving on. Are you religious?
Me: No. I’m a Christian.
Interviewer: And controversial, I see.
Me: A bit. Yeah. But Buddhism is a religion and Islam too. I’m neither. I’m a Christian.
Interviewer: Back to love.
Me: uh uh!
Interviewer: Ever been in love?
Me: Do I sound like I haven’t?
Interviewer: Now I don’t need to ask if you are a Ghanaian. You are. Have you?
Me: Yeah, where do you think I get all my ‘apor’ from? Have you ever been in love?
Interviewer: Audrey, I’m the one asking the questions, remember?
Me (exaggerating my surprise): Are you ashamed of being in love? My, my! You are blushing too.
Both of us laughing.
Interviewer: Okay, Audrey. Stop hijacking my show. Are you anti-marriage?
Me: No!!! I’m very pro-marriage.
Interviewer: Are you married?
Me: No.
Interviewer: Why?
Me: I’m waiting for you.
Interviewer: I am married.
Me: Divorce her.
Me (batting my eyelashes): I’ll be a better wife.
Interviewer: what do you want in a husband?
Me: A non-negotiable requirement is that he should know how to ride a bicycle.
Interviewer: I’m sorry, what?
Me: He should know how to ride a bicycle. Do you know how to ride one?
Interviewer: No, I don’t.
Me: Oh, then I’ve waited in vain all these hours. Hahahaha! You are disqualified.
Interviewer: I told you. Why a bicycle?
Me: Because I don’t know how to ride one and I want it to be my husband who teaches me.
Interviewer: You are such a character!
Me: We all have our quirks.
Interviewer: Last question. What do you think of submission of women to men in marriages?
Me: Submission isn’t slavery. It’s only difficult when you think of it as such. It’s like a tug of war. There isn’t a tug of war if one person refuses to pull.
Interviewer: it’s been nice having you on the show, Audrey. Thank you very much.
Me: loved being here. Thank you too.
Interviewer: This has been my time with Audrey. You heard her, guys; if you are an aspiring husband learn to ride a bicycle! Goodnight y’all!

****what? Like you never played ‘left hand’ against ‘right hand’ before? ****

Monday, 11 November 2013


She still sits there, under the Afransi sun mourning a lover lost
He still visits his San Francisco clubs dancing away a lover lost
She isn’t an elephant but she lives like one
Never forgetting
He doesn’t have amnesia but he lives like he does
His mother has never seen him sad, much less over a girl
She is always moping she’s got everyone wondering whether she knows how to smile
Just because he isn’t blue doesn’t make him selfish
And just because she can cry torrents doesn’t make her selfless
It takes two we’ve heard
Soon everyone got tired of her jilted love story
And why not? We’ve heard it all before
We’ve lived it all before
Ladies, it’s not a competition whose story is the sorriest
Guys, come on! You won’t sleep at that night club
You’ll get home sometime
And when these two lovers meet again
It’s not a far stretch; the world is round isn’t it?
She will have something new to cry about
Because it's all she's been practicing
And he will have something new to be smug about
It’s not his fault
Guys make terrible gods, so quit giving them burnt offerings
They will never be all you want them to be
And while we are at it, try being all you can be
It’s a cycle
It always goes full circle.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


We got our clothes burnt
With blisters on our feet,
Our tears dried up with no reserve
We even have the bald heads to show for our singed hairs
But above all, we have another testimony to add to our storehouse of faith
To the God who walked with us through the fire, we say; thank You.