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Saturday 15 February 2014


Go for the gold!!!! What does that even mean?

My boyfriend uses that expression a lot. I have heard a few people also use it. Their way of spurring me on, I guess. It’s one of the expressions I’ve heard so frequently, I barely give a thought to when I hear it now. The only problem is; I love a splash of gold sometimes on my clothes. Sometimes, not all the time. I loathe gold on my jewelry, no matter how pretty it makes me look. It’s just another thing about me, even I don’t understand.  Unless it is white gold of course! Somewhere in my head, I associate the word ‘gaudy’ with yellow gold.

On this particular day, since I wasn’t going for the Olympics or even a backyard marathon, I called him out on it. And surprise of all surprises: he got ticked off that I was a know-it-all. Where have I heard those words before? Ah, yes. In my head, when I call him thus.
My bad though, because this time, he literally meant I should go for the gold, as in a gold band. You see, we were ‘ring shopping’ and naturally, I preferred the silver or white gold bands to the normal gold we know. Anything but that yellow colour of gold! He would rather have me in yellow gold because of how beautiful he saw one look on my finger. Maybe folks could help me out with this one. Whom is the wedding for? Is it for the bride or the groom, or the families or the sideline friends? Who gets the most say in how a wedding should go?

I wasn’t expecting this at all. Before we agreed to tie the knot, Jake, my boyfriend, I suppose I should call him my fiancĂ©, now that I’m wearing his promissory ring. Which is also a bit confusing. Is it a promissory ring or an engagement ring? In Ghana, you never know. The engagement we all know could pass for a real marriage for sure, what with all the ceremony and all. Anyway, before we agreed to tie the knot, he gave me a ring and as one would expect, it was gold. Yellow gold! Even though it wasn’t in my favorite colour, I loved it. I mean, what else could I do? I wasn’t there when he was shopping for it.

You know, all this wouldn’t give me such a headache if he had a dead grandmother somewhere whose wedding ring I could borrow, just like it’s done in the movies.

He was the one who used to call marriage and all the ceremony leading to it; a 'girl’s dream'. To him, it wasn’t manly to be too involved when planning a wedding. I wish I had recorded one of those dialogues because today, he is really trying my patience. He wants yellow gold, I want something entirely different. I thought guys were supposed to defer to the girl’s wishes under such circumstances, citing the ageless reason: ‘it’s the bride’s day’ as motivation. Apparently, Jake has decided it’s his day too because he wasn’t compromising. We have spent two hours at the jewellers already and there was still no resolution in sight. No way was I going to spend the rest of my life looking at a yellow band on my finger, no way!!

At some point, I suggested his band be of yellow gold, since he seemed to like it so much and I’ll have mine in a different hue. Apparently, it isn’t done because both bands come as a set. Well, so much for catering for all my dreams!!!!! We had to reschedule the rings’ purchase to a latter date. That should be fun. Doing this all over again!

For this impasse, my best friend had a wise solution for us both. We can choose one for now and then change it in ten years time for a different type. That seemed to calm us both and since I had already worn my gold promissory ring for a while now, I convinced him that we go for a diamond ring in a silver setting. Don’t tell him this, but in a decade’s time, I’ll just have to bully him into buying us bands of my choosing again. Seriously, what does a guy care about rings, anyways? 
Now, we can go ahead and argue over the guest list.


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