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Friday 13 December 2013



  When we got to Waakye Butik, Adom parked the car and left to go and meet Freda. I sat back in the car and watched like a hawk from every available mirror I could find. He hugged her and they spent some minutes talking. What are they talking about that they can’t do in the car on our way to drop her silly, skinny ass off?  They then slowly made their way to the car and I must confess; this girl is beautiful. She has curves, looks trim and her hair was all natural, not permed. Exactly the look Adom admires. As they made their way back to the car, I imagined her coming to my side of the door and doing something rude like she wants me to take the back seat or something. Boy, will I go all berserk on them! She disappointed me though, and went straight for the back seat. She sat directly behind Adom, making it easier for me to study her from the mirrors.

Adom introduced us to each other. He introduced me as his best friend and her as the smartest girl he’s met yet; mentioning that she was the smartest among the whole lot that went for their damned Nestle’ workshop or conference or whatever. I don’t really care; he had me fuming at ‘smartest’ girl. The girl seemed pleasant enough. I mean she would be, hello! She’s just trying to snag my best friend! The plan was that we would drop her off at her house then proceed to the airport to meet his parents.

Things I never noticed about Adom before were suddenly getting my attention. Like the way his upper lip was slightly upturned, the way he has a dimple in his right cheek when he smiled and the way he casually wore his long-sleeved shirts with the sleeves folded back to the elbows. Bill has handsome features but Adom is cute and has presence. That is the only way I can describe it. He is taller than me in heels. I was never good at the ‘feet and inches’ stuff so pardon me a bit. I am the standard for everyone’s height; if you are shorter than me, you are short, if you are taller than I am, you are tall, quite simple. So Adom is your standard tall, dark, handsome guy and I am yet to meet a girl who likes fair guys.

So now that my sense of awareness for a guy I’ve been careful to friend-zone all this while has been heightened, my sense of insecurity over this African Barbie has also been raised to crazy proportions. Instinctively, I drew a mental scorecard, (Amanda vs. Freda). From where I’m sitting, the results look pretty bad for me. Freda has a beautiful face and an innocent look. I have a pretty face, yes, but the make-up kind of gives me a minus there. Aside that, no one will call me innocent. She has rich and flawless black skin; I have light, toned skin courtesy of all the skin creams around. Don’t get me wrong, my complexion is beautiful but barely natural and compared to hers, I might as well be a troll. She looked like a dadabee and we all know I am a wannabe, so, no way would I like this girl even if she were the nicest in the world. As far as I can see, the only advantage I have over her is the duration of my friendship with Adom. That has got to count for something, right. Note to self: from now on, I am going to treasure my friendship with Adom more and I am going to manipulate it as much as I can. I am going to be the perfect best friend.

En route to her place, they got to conversing and anyone could tell I’d been relegated to the background. They were discussing Hollywood and Freda seemed knowledgeable enough in that area.  I hate those snotty type of girls; behaving like everything local was beneath them. I mean who cares about Prison Break or Breaking Bad when you can have a drama filled Mexican soap opera anytime? So now I’m giving everyone the cold shoulder; partly because I’m angry and partly because I don’t have anything to add to the conversation.

Here is another nugget about me; I give girly a whole new meaning. I’ve been called immature on occasion. I feel it is my God given right to be emotional, so as long as there is an emotion to be exploited, I let go without restraints. Girls have got to learn; sometimes, cool and mature just doesn’t cut it. However, the damsel in distress act, the tears card or the wall of silence; they get plenty done. I have no intention of ‘growing up’, not if it means giving up my ‘feminine tools’. This girl thinks she is intelligent, eh. I am going to play the ‘I know him better than you do’ card. Lets see how she fares with that.

“Since your dad gave you the news that they would be coming today, have you called to confirm that they would indeed be coming today?” I asked, disrupting their ‘talk’.
“You know, I think you are right. Would you please call my dad’s cell for me? At least if it doesn’t go through we can assume they are mid-air.” He answered. I called and Mr. Mensah picked up.
“Hey son, how are you? Did you get the mail I sent?” the voice on the line said.
“Hello, Mr. Mensah. Aah, this is Amanda. Adom is driving and we are on our way to the airport. We just want to check if you guys were able to catch the flight?” I replied.
“Oh sweetheart, how are you doing? Tell my son to be checking his mail often. Mira changed her mind again so we are staying for another month. You kids should just get yourselves some ice cream and head back home ok.” He said jokingly in his rich baritone.
“Hahaha, will do sir. A hello to Mum.” I said and got off the phone.
“Your dad says hello, and that you should be checking your mail more often because they are staying for another month.” I could tell he wasn’t happy.
“Why didn’t he just call?”
“Hey! Don’t shoot the messenger.” I said, with hands raised in mock surrender. Take that bitch! I said to myself, secretly pleased that I’d established my reign once more. 

To be continued

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