Today, i went to the bank. I sat in line and kept fuming silently because i wasn't attended to. After an hour of sitting in the same position without moving forward in line, i asked myself for the umpteenth time why i still do business with this bank. I looked up again at the man in the red shirt who happened to be the first in line. He had been sitting in that front seat for more than an hour now whiles the only teller 'kind' enough to attend to the withdrawing client's line kept serving customers who were in for money transfers.
What was infuriating was that customers were waiting in line and the stalls were empty (with no tellers in sight)
After an hour of waiting, i went into the manager's office to ask what the problem was. He glibly told me (with an air of indifference, i might add) that the network or link or whatever was down.
I have been a customer at GCB since 2006 and this is their favorite go-to excuse (the link is down). So I ask; what exactly is it with GCB? What kind of network or link are they using? After all these years that the 'link' has been giving them problems, you would think that the bank's management would have found a lasting solution to the problems by now.
I don't know if those of us on the outside are the only ones who foresee this company's doom somewhere in the future. Does the company's management also see it? Are they concerned about their customer's satisfaction at all? Your guess is as good as mine.
In my opinion, GCB was built on a kind of rock. The rock being the monopoly status it has enjoyed for so long and probably still enjoy in some places. Things are rapidly changing however. Competition is springing up everywhere, everyday. The 'rocky foundation' they had is but a pebble now and they seem not to notice.
I have visited a few other banks and my experience tells me GCB has no excuse for giving poor customer service.
All these notwithstanding, I commend GCB (Kotobabi Branch) for their customer service. Or maybe I just caught them on their good days.
I advise that the management of the company (national level) must find a way of providing the same kind of service in all of their branches. I for one already have one foot out their door.
get to know me via these pieces. They are mostly poems. Hope you enjoy my posts.
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ReplyDeletesay that again!!!