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Tuesday 21 January 2014


In the morning, when he called Esther, she was justifiably mad but he managed to smooth things over. Then he asked her to come to his place with a couple of her clothes and some feminine products. She grew incensed and said she had no intentions of spending the night with him. That made him angry. “Contrary to what you might think, not everything is about you or sex, Nana.” He said to her. She would have just gotten angrier had he not had the common sense to tell her a bit of the problem he was faced with. She suddenly grew understanding and helpful when George told her what the problem was.................

Esther got to his place about an hour later with the needed items. She handed them to Laura for her to see how best she could improvise with them. She and George then left Laura alone and set out towards the Spintex Road to find some breakfast for the three of them. Along the way, George filled her in on the missing pieces of the story he wasn’t able to give her on the phone.

They decided on some kenkey and a tin of sardines for their breakfast when they got to the street. Heading back home to George’s place, they held hands as they unconsciously do now, whenever they were walking together. With their earlier disagreement of the morning forgotten, they talked about any number of things. And all was alright in the world of George and Esther even in the face of the unfortunate incident touching their lives at the moment. When they got home, Laura placed a call from George’s cell to her family to assure them she was alright and put them out of their misery. It was then decided that a family member would come and pick her up at Coastal as soon as possible. By 1pm, George’s cell rang, informing them that whoever was on their way to pick Laura up was already at the Tetteh Quarshie Roundabout.

A little over thirty minutes later, Pokua, Laura’s sister pulled up at Coastal in a salon car. From the car’s number plate, it was obvious it was registered in 2010, making it three years old after registration with the DVLA. The car’s condition however showed impeccable grooming. It was a well looked after car. The sisters hugged each other tightly for quite a while and after the hug, Pokua spent some time checking her kid sister all over as if to make sure she was really okay as she claimed. After she was convinced of her sister’s wellbeing, she turned her attention to George and Esther standing close by. Laura quickly made introductions. After the introductions, Pokua fell into a hugging spell and hugged both Esther and George twice over, all the while mumbling her gratitude to them for her sister’s safety.

Watching the two sisters together, it was evident from their manner, especially Pokua’s public display of affection that they weren’t Ghanaian. They might look Ghanaian and even have Ghanaian names but Ghanaians were just not that showy with their affections. Added to that, their American accent just put a cinch to the theory that they were Yankees, born and bred.

Pokua suggested she took all of them to lunch but the couple declined and said maybe some other time and that they thought Laura should really get home as soon as possible. They watched the Toyota Corolla 2009 model speed off towards the direction it had come from. Since both George and Esther had things planned for the day they decided to part ways and meet in the evening. Laura did call George to thank him once again for his help when she got home and she sounded so different from the girl he’d met. She sounded perky, much like her older sister.
A week after the Laura incident, George and Esther had a classic fight about something as trivial as George failing to call Esther back after he’d missed her call. By the time the fight was over, it was uncertain whether it was about the unreturned call, George’s overall attitude or Esther’s stance concerning sex before marriage. The subsequent days following the fight were spent with each of the parties refusing to be the one to break the ice and seem weak to the other. Esther spent her days getting mini heart attacks every time her phone rang, with the expectation that it was George and her heart fell each time she found out it wasn’t. George spent the same number of days waiting Esther out, and knowing she would end up calling anyway. It was on one of these days that he had an unexpected call. When he picked the call, he realized it was from Pokua.


 ************* Till next time! *************

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